Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally Married!

This was the best day ever! Although severly cold, we had fun and everything went super well! Married life is pretty great, we get along so well and are "just what each other needs" according to our friends and family. Jeremy is very calm and collected, he is always the patient one and the first to look at the bright side. As for myself? I am the fiesty one that is always stressed and worried about the next thing. I get snappy once in a while and he just lets me vent and then tells me to calm down.. haha-everyone that knows me knows that this does not result well but he never fails to pull me out of a bad mood and mae me laugh! I'm pretty much the luckiest girl alive, he is sweet, sincere, and incredibly HOT! Love you baby!


Monica said...

I love this picture! You guys look so cute!!

Belnap Family said...

That doesn't sound like you at all! I thought you were the calm, quiet one....hahaha :) Kimberly