Sunday, June 29, 2008

BYE BYE Jetta!

After careful consideration- ha ha scratch that! None at all! haha- Jeremy decided that it was more logical to keep the paid off car and get rid of this adorable car that I loved! Okay okay I know he made the right choice, but believe you me, I put up a fight for the Jetta and was way sad to see it go! It was having issues- *note to everyone: DO NOT buy VW's they are way to expensive to fix and too many things go wrong with them.** Aside from its issues, we still owed some on it and I guess it made more sense to keep the paid off car. It is not that I am empty in the common sense area-I have just had my fill of that Neon of mine. I also knew that when Jeremy vowed to drive the Neon that that would not last. The first day was a bit of a tiff when he took it to work and left me with the Neon, but now we have an understanding and I have agreed to share. haha- The day will come when the neon and I shall finally part and we will have a truck that Jeremy chooses to drive over 'MY' mazda! :)

Here it is! We turned over the keys and said goodbye! :(

Jeremy went back in a second time to double check that we didn't leave anything behind. He was so excited when he found a pile of change in the hidden compartment and of course he took every penny! :) He is so financially savvy...
This picture is soooo priceless. In case you cannot tell, this is Jeremy HUGGING his Jetta goodbye. I could have sworn that as the camera flashed I heard him kiss the car- of course he denies it right to the core, but I am convinced! :)


K I know there are a lot of pics of this, but I am estatic! After six years of driving that NEON of mine I finally got a new car. Jeremy might argue that it is 'our' car, but I will fight that battle to the end. He won the battle of us keeping the paid off neon and trading in the cute jetta that I loved, but I shall win this war! :)
Anyway thanks to Steph's wonderful husband, we are now the proud owners of this beauty! A 2007 Mazda 6! It is practically my dream car, well it soon will be in a few weeks when the sun roof is put in!
This is after all the paper work and signing our lives away! They handed us the keys and said "congratulations!" This was, however, an hour and a half after their posted closing time- so I am sure they were just as ready as us to go home!
Here is our favorite car dealer now! Michael Martinez! (He is just modeling the car... or giving it a hug goodbye- not exactly sure) I'm telling you, this man went to a lot of trouble for us and after searching and searching, he found us the greatest car which was exactly what we were looking for. Not only did he find us what we wanted, he did it all and stayed late that night ON HIS BIRTHDAY so that we could take it home! He missed his birthday dinner and a night with his family just for us! We love him! If any of you have a need for a new car let me know and i will for sure hook you up with this man! You will NOT be disapointed :) Thanks Mike YOU ARE GREAT!

In Lieu of us all being "family" we decided to take a family photo with the new car! It sure was fun trying to explain to his co-workers how were were all related! Still not sure they comprehended. Nonetheless, this was a great day and we are so excited and thankful! A big THANK YOU to Steph for sharing him with us on his special day and just for being so great. We love you too love muffin!

Jeremy's Birthday!

Okay I realize that I am in serious deep water with people.. (cough cough) Steph and Monica, for not posting in like 7 years so I dedicated tonight to trying to catch up! Or at least post a couple important ones! haha. This was way back in April, the 4th to be exact on my man's birthday! His family came down and with the help of Monica I threw him a party. It was so fun to have everyone together. His family totally rocks! They are so active and when you get them all together there is never a dull moment. I'm so lucky to be a part of their family! Love you guys!

Here is my boy now... blowing out his candles all by himself! Isn't he such a big boy? **Notice out nieces and nephews in the background just dying for him to fail so that they can help him! Little did they all know that I set him up to fail by placing trick candles on the cake about every other one. For those of you why may not know, trick candles don't just blow out on the first try. They re-light themselves and it takes a few good heavy blows to put them out. All the kids loved that he couldn't do it and were quick to come to his rescue!

Here they go! They all pretty much kicked Jeremy out of his spot and went to town on these cakes until every last candle was nothing but smoking! So cute!

Here is Jeremy with a few people from the party! The one with her head chopped out is Jocie, Jeremy's younger sister. Next is Ian and baby Layla, and then Jeremy's mommy. Here he is unwrapping his present from his briallant brothers who so happily wrapped his presents from them in a trash bag! haha- Chris decided to get Jeremy one of those little toys that when you hold the trigger down it spins a little plastic circle thingy at high power and shoots it extremely high into the air. What you all don't know is that about a week prior to this party mister Jeremy was playing with a similar toy that Chris and Monica's boys own. He decided to aim it at my face and let go of the trigger, causing it to shoot with high force directly at my face. Needless to say I got extremely upset. Apparently Chris thought is was funny and decided to get Jeremy one of his own. Thanks Chris! haha
OH and here is Justin's SUPER DUPER gift! ugh. The wonder bochee ball set! (or however you spell it). This game is complety pointless and not very fun at all, but the entire George family, especially the boys, absolutely LOVe it! Justin knows that I am not a huge fan of it and decided to bless us with our very own set. It is obvious that these two brothers of his put their minds together with some sort of vendeta against me as they planned what to get my husband for his birthday. Thanks again boys! We love you! :)